We help entrepreneurs and startuppers establish a presence in Italy and enter the European market. We create opportunities, improve skills, indicate winning practices and strategies.
Italy, land for startups
Many people have innovative and tech ideas to turn into companies, into startups. Movantia is a strategy consulting firm that has helped many Italian and foreign companies to grow, since 2008. Today, we dedicate ourselves also to the pioneers of the world of tomorrow by making available to them our knowledge and experience to overcome difficulties and commitments, to improve their marketing, to increase profitability, to optimize activities and to expand in a sustainable way in the Italy, a member of the European Union. We help entrepreneurs and startuppers establish a presence in Italy, giving advice on how to land and grow in the best way.
More likely to succeed
Movantia's team is composed of multidisciplinary experts who help startups, or those who have an idea to develop and transform into a new company, to evaluate all aspects increasing the chances of success. Starting from an idea and set up a company is not enough: our experience says that it takes meticulous preparation and analysis of every aspect to have real chances of success. The legal structure, the license, tax and intellectual property aspects, the business plan and finance, the business model, human resources, market study, the right location, a professional presentation and your visual identity. What we can do for a startup is really critical to increasing the chances of success.
Why Italy is competitive for startups
The Italian Ministry of Economic Development launched an initiative called "Italian Startup Act" that bundled previously passed legislation to incentivize the Italian ecosystem with tools like tax breaks on early-stage investments and R&D credits, plus a startup visa to attract talent. VC funding in Italy has grown. Last year the Italian government sponsored a €1 billion investment program aimed at the native startup ecosystem, creating two new venture arms: CDP Venture Capital and ENEA Tech. Moreover, Startup Europe, an initiative of the European Commission, strengthens networking opportunities for deep tech scaleups and ecosystem builders to accelerate the growth of the European startup scene. So, this is the place.